Being an Accomplice – a dev team interview
We sat down to chat with two of Accomplice’s dev team members to ask them to sum up their Accomplice experience.
Hi Filip and Fanny – tell us a bit about yourself
Fanny: Hey! I’m a junior Frontend Developer here at Accomplice. I started fulltime in the beginning of 2021 after doing both of my YH-internships here. I really liked it so of course – when I was given the opportunity I stayed!
Filip: My name is Filip and I’m a front-end developer, specializing in Javascript here at Accomplice. I work closely with Fanny on a lot of projects. Fanny and I actually went to the same school and have friends in common so it’s fun that we both ended up here at Accomplice. I also did my internship here in 2018, went away for some consultant work for 2 years and then came back. Besides working here I’m also a big fan of programming synths and photography.
What type of work do you do?
Filip: Mostly fullstack development but I’ve also taken on the role as Scrum master in most of the projects I’ve been involved in. Also been leading the development of our internal processes. Coding wise I enjoy working with React, gatsby, JS and headless cms.
Fanny: My focus is to learn the whole development process so I can lead my own projects. WordPress was completely new to me so it was a bit of a hassle but it’s starting to sink in! I’m also doing some UX/UI projects where I’m trying to find new innovative ways to improve our customers’ experience working in the WordPress administration system.
What is your favorite thing about working in Accomplice?
Fanny: The open-mindedness of everyone working here. We try to share knowledge amongst ourselves, and that usually means being open to doing a lot of different work! I also really like working closely in the crossover with programming, UX and design!
Filip: First of all I’d have to mention my amazing colleagues! Another favorite thing is our focus and exploration around data driven decision making. It’s something that we try to adapt to, in most situations. We try, fail, learn and then win! At Accomplice you’re also encouraged to look for personal growth in the areas you want which I find super valuable.
What code are you most proud of – and why?
Filip: Fanny and I did a fast paced project earlier this year called The concept was to build the world’s first online grocery shop where the listed ‘price’ of every item was its carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) rather than a normal currency. The project won “Best campaign in Europe ” in PR Week and it’s a project I’m really proud of since it was one of the first Gatsby sites I led the development on and it got such a great response!
Fanny: For me it’s probably the project I’m working on now together with Malmö Konsthall (launching during fall 2021). Mostly because of the accessibility aspect of the project, which opened a whole new world for me. It has forced me to really dive deep into all aspects of accessibility which has been really rewarding and something I hope to bring into all future projects!
Outside of coding – what work and responsibility has been rewarding for you in the Accomplice team?
Fillip: Working as a SCRUM master. To do it you don’t have to know everything about SCRUM, I sure don’t but it’s a great feeling when you help the team to reach its goals! Also doing work connected to our R&D initiatives has been rewarding. It’s helped me see the bigger picture and think about our business needs.
Fanny: Being part of developing and strategizing around our work processes. I really enjoy the work we have done during Covid-19, focused on finding ways to work more effectively and creating a solid team culture!
What are you looking for in a future Accomplice dev team member?
Fanny: Someone solution oriented and who loves to share their knowledge, and also loves to learn and try out new things! Someone who is passionate about their own code, and who joyfully will help improve our codebase. And who loves fika as much as I do!
Filip: Yeah, I agree with Fanny. I think we’re looking for a friendly team player that is both eager to learn and eager to share that learning with the rest of the team.